Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id |
Primary key |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
id2 |
id2 |
integer |
Required |
company_id |
The company owner of this contract |
globally unique identifier |
Optionally required : company_id, company_code or company must be provided |
company_code |
Embedded entity "company" using ERP PK when adding/updating contract |
string |
Optionally required : company_id, company_code or company must be provided |
company |
Embedded entity "company" when adding/updating contract |
company |
Optionally required : company_id, company_code or company must be provided |
reference |
Reference |
string | |
reference_back_office |
Backoffice reference |
string | |
reference_customer |
Customer Reference |
string | |
date_start |
Start Date of the contract |
date | |
date_end |
Contract End date |
date | |
date_cancel |
Readonly , date +time when the contract goes in status Cancelled |
date | |
date_last_invoiced |
Readonly contains the last date an invoice has been generated for this contract |
date | |
name |
Name of the contract |
string | |
description |
Description of Contract |
string | |
feelist_id |
Feelist ID |
globally unique identifier | |
article_price_label_id |
Article Price Llabel Id |
globally unique identifier | |
account_manager_user_id |
FK of Account manager user |
globally unique identifier | |
account_manager_user |
Embedded entity "account_manager_user" using ERP PK when adding/updating account_manager_user |
user | |
account_manager_user_code |
Embedded entity "account_manager_user" using ERP PK when adding/updating account_manager_user |
string | |
modified_dateutc |
Readonly system field managed by database, filled with GetUtcDate when adding,updating |
date | |
renewal_term_months |
Renewal Term Months |
integer |
Range: inclusive between 0 and 1000000 |
feelist_warranty_discount |
Feelist Warranty Discount |
decimal number |
Range: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
price_label_warranty_discount |
Price Label Warranty Discount |
decimal number |
Range: inclusive between 0 and 100 |
driving_distance |
Distance in km that are used to invoice the travel |
decimal number | |
travel_fee_fix_discount |
Discount applied when computing the fee for travel |
decimal number | |
bill_to_company_id |
Company id for bill |
globally unique identifier |