Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id |
Primary Key |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
work_instruction_id |
work instruction id |
globally unique identifier |
Optionally required : work_instruction_id,work_instruction_reference_back_office or work_instruction must be provided |
work_instruction_reference_back_office |
Embedded code "work instruction" when adding/updating |
string |
Optionally required : work_instruction_id,work_instruction_reference_back_office or work_instruction must be provided |
work_instruction |
Embedded entity "work instruction" when adding/updating |
work_instruction |
Optionally required : work_instruction_id,work_instruction_reference_back_office or work_instruction must be provided |
description |
Summary on "what" the action should be done. |
string |
Max length: 4000 |
sequence |
sequence order field for the work instruction |
integer | |
reference_back_office |
The Id/Ref of the back office for this work instruction details. Used by Embedded entity |
string |
Max length: 255 |
work_instruction_details_group_sequence |
sequence order field for the group |
integer | |
work_instruction_details_group_name |
Name of the group |
string |
Max length: 4000 |
is_archived | boolean | ||
type |
One of the possible types which are Regular, Form, Picture, UsedParts, BillableHours. Regular is the default |
string | |
show_ok |
Indicate if the OK option should be available |
boolean | |
show_nok |
Indicate if the Not OK option should be available |
boolean | |
show_replaced |
Indicate if the Replaced option should be available |
boolean | |
show_na |
Indicate if the N/A option should be available |
boolean | |
db_file_id |
Used to specify a document/photos with instruction |
globally unique identifier | |
instruction_document_count |
Specify how many documents/photos must be added if type is Picture |
integer | |
db_report_type_id |
When type is Form, you must specify which db_report_type must be filled |
globally unique identifier | |
db_report_type_name |
When type is Form, you must specify which db_report_type must be filled |
string | |
work_instruction_type_id |
When type is Custom, you must specify which work_instruction_type must be filled |
globally unique identifier | |
work_instruction_type_code |
When type is Custom, you must specify which work_instruction_type must be filled |
string | |
show_options |
Options to display, this field is not allowed to add/ update |
string | |
translations |
List of translation of specific field name |
Collection of translation | |
modified_dateutc |
Readonly system field managed by database, filled with GetUtcDate when adding,updating. |
date |