Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id |
Primary Key |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
internal_number |
Internal number to identify the invoice |
string | |
company_id |
Foreign key to company, identifies the company of the invoice |
globally unique identifier | |
company_code |
Company code of the invoice |
string | |
company_name |
Company name of the invoice |
string | |
date_create |
Invoice creation date in utc |
date | |
memo |
Memo field for invoice |
string | |
description |
Decription field for invoice |
string | |
invoice_type |
Invoice type, possible values “ContractGenerated“ and “WorkOrderApproval“ |
string | |
source_type |
Source of invoice, refers to the type of the object from which invoice is derived |
string | |
source_id_in_table |
Key of the object from which the invoice is derived |
globally unique identifier | |
total_lines |
Total amount of lines linked to the invoice |
integer | |
total_amount |
Total value of items in lines linked to the invoice |
decimal number | |
db_currency_id |
Key of db_currency entity, identifies the db_currency of the invoice |
globally unique identifier | |
total_taxes |
Total taxes |
decimal number | |
due_date |
The due date |
date | |
source_db_table_name |
The name of db table |
string | |
delivery_name |
The delivery name |
string | |
delivery_street |
The street for delivery |
string | |
delivery_city |
The city for delivery |
string | |
delivery_zip |
The zip for delivery |
string | |
delivery_db_country_name |
The country name for delivery |
string | |
reference_back_office |
Reference data for back office |
string | |
db_payment_method_id |
Payment method id |
globally unique identifier | |
id2 |
id for internal |
integer | |
customer_remarks |
Customer remarks |
string | |
bill_to_party |
The bill to party |
string | |
bill_to_contact_id |
Contact id for bill |
globally unique identifier | |
contact_id |
Contact id of invoice |
globally unique identifier | |
article_price_label_id |
Article price label id |
globally unique identifier | |
db_language_id |
The language id |
globally unique identifier | |
invoice_status_id |
The status id of invoice |
globally unique identifier | |
invoice_status_name |
The status name of invoice |
string | |
discount_group_id |
The id of discount group |
globally unique identifier | |
discount |
Discount value |
decimal number | |
The email |
string | ||
invoice_number |
Invoice number |
string | |
bill_to_company_id |
Company id for bill |
globally unique identifier | |
dateutc_confirmation |
The confirmation date (UTC) |
date | |
modified_dateutc |
Readonly system field managed by database, filled with GetUtcDate when adding,updating |
date |